Orders by phone are only accepted for standard stock products. All orders for custom power cords and wire harnesses must be communicated via documentation such as prints or drawings and submitted via email or through our website. This ensures that we understand all of your unique requirements and that they are clearly defined. In addition, we encourage you to call us to discuss your application or any questions that you may have.
It's important to understand why ordering online through the website is preferable to ordering by phone or fax .
- Security: Phones and faxes do not employ encryption technology.
Relaying your credit card number over a phone line or via fax is every bit as "electronic" as transmitting your credit card number on the web. However, phone and fax lines are not encrypted through Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. If you are concerned about the security of your credit card information, the last thing you want to do is to relay that information over a phone or fax line. When you submit your credit card information through this or any other website using an SSL-secured connection, the data can only be deciphered by the computer to which the data is sent. Phone and fax transmissions are far more vulnerable to interception.
- Documentation: Online orders receive confirmation emails, tracking emails, etc. Phone orders do not.
When you place an order online, you receive documentation of what you ordered, when you ordered it, your order total and other pertinent information. Phone orders do not offer this audit trail.
- Accuracy: The information comes to us exactly as you submitted it.
The absence of human interaction greatly reduces the chance for error. When you place your order online, there is no possibility of the person on the other end of the phone hearing "quantity 30" when you said "quantity 13".
- Speed: Online orders are processed far more quickly, with minimal cause for delay.
Shipping facilities function in "assembly line fashion". When you submit your order online, it goes "onto the line" immediately, and is processed far more quickly than a phone order, which must be manually processed outside the normal workflow of the shipping staff.